Start Affiliate Marketing Business - 15 Things That You're Doing Wrong
The Affiliate Marketing Business is widely acknowledged in the online world as one of the simplest businesses that you can get started with online.
The simplicity however, does still need structure, and this is where many go wrong and fail miserably.
Here are just some of the things that you can avoid To make your affiliate marketing business more profitable – long term.
1. You're In The Wrong Niche

2. Lack Of Training
There is no quicker way to learning than getting help and guidance from somebody who has already been down that road.
Following a training program is a definite requirement if you are new to the game and will get you going at the fastest rate possible.
More importantly, is that you implement and put into practice whatever you learn.
This is absolutely critical.
Most people however do not follow instructions when purchasing a course and then blame their failure on the training course.
Do not do this, it is a loser mentality.
There is no single training program that teaches you absolutely everything there is to know.
Once you’ve taken whatever you can from a program and implemented it, then move to another one, and so you keep on learning and seeing different perspectives.
It is no accident that the real students those that hunger for knowledge, are generally those who make it.
This hunger for knowledge will be key to your future success.
Then you have the complainers who want it all handed to them.
Which one are you?
3. Your Sales Funnel Sucks!
A funnel is basically a marketing process that takes a potential customer from the initial interaction with your business right up to them making a purchase and beyond.
The funnel consists of a series of pages and content that turns prospects into buyers.
The quality of the funnel will ultimately determine how successful your business is going to be.
Funnels generally consist of the following;
- Social media post or ad with enticing headline pointing to a blog article or download page
- The article gives even more content that is of great value to the reader.
- The reader wants more information, then signs up to mailing list t receive more
- Thank you page and series of welcoming emails.
- More informative and valuable material via email
- Suggest an irresistible, low-priced offer/product that cannot be refused.
- Immediate upsell with a slightly higher priced item
- Provide more content and training/webinars etc. suggesting the value of an even higher priced item.
This is just one example of a sales funnel process that can be followed to take a customer from engagement to sale.
The mistake that most marketers make is that they try to make a sale almost immediately, right at the top of the funnel.
This is a big mistake, people need to be guided through a process.
4. Focus Too Much On Making Money
How much can I make, how much is in it for me?
These are the questions that nearly every marketer asks of themselves.
Always trying to make the sale as quickly as possible no matter what.
After all, you’re in this business to make money and that is what you gonna do.
Ironically, it’s the marketers that give away the most value that actually make the most money.
They also have long-term, successful businesses that generate consistent profits.
There certainly must be something that they are doing right.
It would then be good practice to mimic these experts, instead of chasing after money, a strategy that clearly doesn’t work in the long term.
Potential customers can also sense this and tend to avoid handing over their credit card details in this situation.
People are unlikely to interact if they do not know who you are or what you represent.
Instead, they prefer to do business with and buy from somebody that they
know and trust or with whom they’ve previously interacted.
There needs to be some rapport and this can be cultivated from the start if you give value to your audience.
This will automatically cause them to be drawn to you, which ultimately leads to the sales that you’ve been chasing after.
I remember when starting out, that I was also guilty of doing this.
It must have been the excitement of trying to get my first sale.
Looking back though with the benefit of experience and hindsight, I now see things a bit more clearly.
Show them that you really care.
5. Your Landing Page Is Not Effective
An effective landing page is where all of the magic is supposed to happen.
This is where people finally get to decide if they’re gonna move ahead with you or toss you away.
It also gives them a glimpse of what to expect and also to see what you are really all about.
This is an enormous opportunity for you to instantly make an impact.
This is however easier said, as most page visitors often leave very quickly in disgust after visiting a page.
The main reason being that their concern was not addressed.
You have failed to show them how you will be solving their problem.
A great landing page will make you money, while a poorly constructed one won’t do you any justice, and simply won’t convert as well.
You could have the greatest offer, but if it is obscured by a poorly constructed page then you’re leaving money on the table… lot’s of it
6. Chasing The Latest Deals

- You are greedy
- You’ve got an inherent fear of missing out on a big payday
People are more likely to make a purchase from them and you’ll be left with the scraps.
This needs experience and is not suitable for beginners.
7. Not Targeting A Specific Audience
Audience targeting is most crucial to your success.
If you place this offer in front of the wrong people, it will simply not convert.
You might be running the best campaign with the best-looking page, it makes no difference.
A common mistake among many new marketers is that they market a product using the same message to different audiences.
: Take Beautiful Family Photo From The Comfort Of Home
- Wedding Photographers
- Bird Watchers
- Sport or Action Photographers
- Families
- Nature Lovers
- Wildlife Photographers
- Travelers
8. Lead Magnet

If this can wow a specific audience then they are likely to hand over their details to get it.
- Checklists
- To-Do Lists
- Mini-Courses
- Swipe files
- Cheat Sheets
- Resource List
- Free Webinar
- Infographics
9. Not Understanding The Basics Of Online Marketing
This is a set of skills that you need to learn and continually improve to make your online experience both easier and profitable.
However, don’t wait until you know everything about online marketing before deciding to get started.
It covers quite a wide range of topics, so here are just a few of them that you need to learn for affiliate marketing.
- Headline writing
You have literally seconds to make an impact, a great headline will do that for you. - Ad Copy
Good ad copy will always perform better than that which is poorly written, no matter how good the offer. - Content Creation & Marketing
Creating content that is relevant to the user, and knowing how to get people to engage with it. depending on where they are in a buying journey - Audience Targeting
Knowing how to target an audience is a critical step in your journey.
Even the best ad and landing page will not convert if presented to the wrong audience. - Social Media Marketing
This is basically where the world hangs out. Finding where they are and putting your message in front of their eyes will pay dividends. - Search Engine Marketing (Seo)
Done right, this will give you an almost unlimited source of free, targeted traffic.
It might take very long to get it, but definitely worthwhile - Email Marketing
Writing follow up marketing message sequences to continually engage with your audience.
As you can see there is a lot to learn but having these skills will bring you a lifetime of financial reward.
10. Searching For A Holy Grail

Many marketers take the bait, don’t do anything with it, and then search for the next one.
- Find a product or service
- Must be something in your niche which you’re passionate about.
- Create relevant content that will be of benefit to an audience
- Market your content
- Give away free stuff
- Get them to opting
- More value
- Small purchase
- Bigger purchase
11. Looking To Get Rich Quick

xxx $ in 30 days, which by the way could be true.
However, what they fail to mention is that they’ve already created the foundation and already have an understanding of how the process works.
- building a real business
- Continually learning and acquiring learning new skills that are related to your niche.
- .and your chances of success are exponentially increased.
12. Not Building A Business
This is in stark contrast to people, who for different reasons seek to make extra money quickly.
This is normally on a part-time basis with a minimal amount of effort.
You should at all costs rather try to build a real business that is based on sound principles, one which is sustainable for a long time and would produce passive income.
I like to make the comparison to a professional sportsperson who practices every day and tries to achieve perfection, to the weekend player.
The difference is vast.
Play the long game and invest your energy, time, and money into learning and getting better all the time.
It may be difficult and frustrating in the beginning but the rewards are absolutely worth it.
13. Not Enough Spare Time

Some of us are born poor, others rich or with natural good looks, yet others still enjoy privileges that the rest can only dream of.
14. You Lack Consistency
It does not matter how small and insignificant these little steps may seem, it all adds up, and in the end, with the sheer volume of your efforts, you reap the glorious rewards.
It could be a little research that is done every day or the writing of a paragraph or two in your article.
Maybe or could be the learning of new business skills or some work on your blog it makes no difference.
It all adds up.
After a period of one year when you look back at your achievements, you’ll be astounded at your progress.
Continue that trend for another year and you’ll be almost unstoppable.
Another huge positive that I have found by being consistent is that it becomes a habit after a while and almost second nature.
You even begin to enjoy doing the things that you used to find laborious and boring before.
Consistency is key!
Every successful person and master in their field possesses the consistency trait.
It’s time that you developed and start using it.
Not only will it be of benefit in your business but also in life, whichever path you choose.
15. You Are Easily Discouraged
It is quite easy to get discouraged when things don’t go your way, this is unavoidable.
The big question is how are going to deal with it?
Are you going to quit in disgust or carry on fighting?
Most people would, but you’re not one of them.
Discouragement and setbacks are necessary as they give a fair indication of who the winners and losers are.
Look at it as a temporary setback, something that builds your character.
When things do not work out, it is not a train smash at all.
This only means that there is something that you haven’t understood.
Just try to find the problem and you’ll feel a whole lot better.
When you refuse to allow any discouragement to get the better of you, it’s then just a matter of time before you see a breakthrough.
Allowing the discouragement to get you down only tends to show that you might not have a winning mentality which is critical for success.
Bonus - You're Lazy

- Blog/Website
- Hosting
- Landing pages
- Social Media Platforms
- Ads