What Is A Landing Page.. & Why You Need One?

Before you learn how to create a landing page, let us first learn what a landing page is.

A landing page, also commonly referred to as ‘lead page’ ‘opt-in page’ ‘squeeze page’, is an independent, stand alone webpage with a specific function that visitors usually land on after clicking a link, or doing a search.

The most popular landing pages among businesses and marketers are those that drive lead generation and sales, and what we will be focusing on too.

The aim of this page should be to guide your visitors to take the specific action that you desire from them.
In the case of building a landing page for generating new leads you should design your page in a way that prompts or encourages visitors to leave their name and email address by filling out a form on the page.

There are many different types of landing pages, each with a different purpose.
They vary in style, length and layout depending on the objective that you are trying to reach.

Landing Page For Lead Generation

Lead Captur Page

The purpose of this Lead Page is to collect a name and email which then goes on your email list for future correspondence and marketing.

This will be done via and email autoresponder that delivers pre-written emails to subscribers at pre-determined intervals.

As the size of your email list grows, there will be an opportunity to to continually market qualified people already interested in your business.

Click Thru - Landing Page

landing page

This type of landing page displays product info, pricing, benefits, and links to other sections.
It encourages browsing and interaction.

Before we begin, you will need a platform on which to build your landing pages.
Also a place to host it live on the Internet.

We are going to use specialist landing page building software to do so.

This can be done for free on WordPress, but this takes time to learn.

Let’s get started then with building a lead generation landing page.

The first step is to get a free landing page builder, or at least one that offers a free trial.

There are many landing page building software products available, some of them free which is a good place to start.
The paid versions, however do offer much greater benefit and work best.
Pricing does vary between the different platforms, depending on the features that each company provides.

These page builders come ready-made templates that can easily be modified to suit your specific requirements.
Although, relatively easy to use, they do however require some learning in the beginning.

Building pages this way is relatively straightforward, as these ready-to-use templates can be modified quite easily with the built-in  ‘Drag & Drop’ technology that these companies use.
This allows users to easily edit and customize each section of the already existing page templates.

These templates are already tested, and proven to work which certainly gives you an advantage.

Here are some Page Builders that you can try for free.

One of the best and lowest priced page builders on the market.

Beginner friendly and easy to use, this software boasts a huge library of stunning template.

Extremely popular software, you can’t go wrong with it.

Leadpages s is one of the best and lowest priced page builders on the market.
It is beginner friendly and comes with a 14 day Free Trial.

Primarily used for email marketing, I’m currently using this platform and find it extremely useful and affordable with incredible service.

They have a page builder built into the platform and is fairly easy to learn. l

Incredible service! Highly recommended.

GetResponse is actually an autoresponder, but it comes with a built-in landing page builder.
It is also user friendly and comes with a 30 Day Free Trial.

The page builders include the following;

  • Free Templates – Hundreds of different page designs and layouts
  • A/B testing – which allows you to test the performance of different versions of the same page against each other, so you could find the best performing one.
  • Domain Hosting – For the monthly hosting of your landing pages.

These page builders do come with a monthly cost, but this is a small price to pay for a tool that is so essential to the growth of any business.

It is definitely worth the investment, and something that your cannot afford to be without..

Landing pages can also be built using free tools like WordPress, together with free page builders.
This however does take time to learn.

The monthly subscription for the service, usually include the following;

  • Free Templates – Hundreds of different page designs and layouts
  • A/B testing – which allows you to test the performance of different versions of the same page against each other, so you could find the best performing one.
  • Domain Name & Hosting – If you don’t have your own domain name

The monthly cost is definitely worth your investment as it will save you loads of time needing to build a page from scratch.
This is definitely an essential tool that you will need on your road to success, one you shouldn’t  do without, if your goal is to obtain more leads and sales.

This can be done for free if you already know how to build websites, by using free tools like WordPress with a free page builder like Elementor. You are free to learn this skill, but this would require a bit of learning and a lots of free time, but the benefits are priceless, and will be of enormous value to you in the long term

2. Create A Lead Magnet

What Is A Lead Magnet?

Before we begin to create a lead magnet, lets start by telling you what a lead magnet is.
This is a free gift that you are going to offer to a targeted audience of people who land on your page.
It has to be niche specific, for example; if you’re selling cooking related products, then it would make sense to give away a recipe booklet.
This should preferably be something, that can be downloaded and accessed immediately.


Though there are many types of lead magnets, depending on your type of business, here we are going to focus on a digitally downloadable ‘free gift’ product.

This should preferably be something that is ‘short and sweet’ and is going to be of value to the person that you are targeting.
It should be something which can easily be consumed, and is either re-usable or a source for future reference that you periodically return to, or even something that can be printed out and displayed in full view.

It should address, and help solve some kind of problem or offer value to the specific audience which you are trying to engage and should be so impressive that people will be prepared to hand over their details to get it.

Below, are some examples of the many different types of lead magnets that you can make.

Lead Magnet Examples


A checklist is a usually a one or two page document that highlights the most important and actionalble points of a specific process.

These should preferably in sequence or numbered with a checkbox  next to each item to tick when the next step of the task is completed.

This makes an otherwise insurmountable and seemingly overwhelmingly difficult project seem more doable and achievable.

This makes it a very sought after item and can be used in any industry or niche that you can think of.

an added bonus, would be to make this kind of lead magnet printable so people can actually tick it off manually.

Lead Magnet Checklist

Checklist – This is a 1 or 2 page document that highlights the most important points of a process.

Cheat Sheet

Cheat Sheet – Normally a summary of information, compacted into a single document.
Extremely valuable  as a source of reference for the future.

Resource List

Resource List – This is basically be a list of tools or resources that will be of benefit to it’s user.
It is quite a sort after item as this can bring tremendous value by saving time and money.l


Infographic – Because the Infographic is so colorful, it is easy on the eye and very popular too.

Offering a combination of very valuable information with graphics, makes this type of lead magnet an irresistible for downloading.

Download PDF Image

FAQ –  A good idea for a lead magnet is to make a list of frequently asked questions on a PDF document.
The headline could read “10 Critical Questions Answered – Every Photographers Should Know”.  

This is especially valuable if you are very knowledgeable in your niche.
Other lead magnets that can be placed on a PDF document is a resource list, cheat sheet or checklist.

Free Training Course – Who doesn’t love free training? Offering a training course can build massive credibility and trust in very quick time, as people immediately get a sense of what you are offering.

The training can be in the form of video training through a membership website, an email course or even something text based.
The important thing being, your ability to deliver quality material, which will almost guarantee future sales.

Webinar Training

Free Webinar Training – Doing a live or recorded webinar is a brilliant way to get people to subscribe to your email list as it can build instant trust and rapport with a complete stranger.

The advantage of webinars is that your leads will be extremely high quality.

Free eBook

E-Books Although these are very valuable and informative, stats have shown e-books often go unread and are discarded due to the amount of pages that they contain.
So it’s best to rather focus on the shorter stuff, as most people want instant gratification.

If you do offer an E-Book, then test it against other types of lead magnets.

Don’t try to create a lead magnet that is too difficult or complicated as research has shown that the simple ones work best.

Remember, to put a lot of thought and care into creating a gift, all the time considering what impact it is going to have on your audience.

This lead magnet that you are creating should address and help solve a problem that the person is currently experiencing in a particular area of their life.

Never try to do make something that is too difficult or complicated as research has shown that the simple ones work best.

Remember, to put a lot of thought and care into creating a gift, all the time considering what impact it is going to have on your audience.
Do your due diligence and proper research, delivering a quality product.

This is vital, and will to a great extent determine how much people are going to trust and respond to you.
Create something so awesome, that people would actually want to hear from you in the future.

Remember, first impressions last. Trust = Sales, and possibly a life long customer who loves purchasing from you.
A poor lead magnet though, will simply not convert, and even if it is downloaded, will leave people frustrated.

This lead magnet that you are creating should address and help solve a problem that the person is currently experiencing in a particular area of their life.

It could also be something that draws their attention to a problem that exists, but one which they are unaware of.

In this example, we see how something as simple as an emoji list can be so extremely valuable.

Although people all over the world use and encounter emoji’s all of the time, very few, actually understand the meaning and usage of each of them.

This offers a wonderful opportunity to get people to sign up to your email list by providing a solution to this problem.

Lead Magnet Ideas

emoji list

The equation is very simple, create an amazing lead magnet (Free Gift)  that is going to be of benefit to people by solving a specific problem that they’re experiencing, or by making  their life a little bit easier than currently is.

Then, make it so enticing with your headline that they have no other option, other then to opt-in.

3. E Cover Graphics:

What Is An E-Cover?

An E-Cover is a digital e-book cover.
It can give your product the illusion of being something better than what it actually is.

Digital e-covers look very professional and can dramatically increases the likelihood of people opting in to your offer.

Just like a physical book needs a cover, so does your digital info need to be packaged in a beautiful e-cover.


This is what gives the lead magnet that professional look and personality, it’s power should never be underestimated.
If your cover looks awesome, you are guaranteed to get a much better response than having one that is mediocre.
This can be tested with split-testing.

Many clicks are gained or lost due to how a gift is presented or packaged, so make sure that you take a bit of time to get it right.

The best way probably is to hire a designer on Fiverr.

Alternatively, there are a few companies online where you can create your own cover for free though there is a learning curve involved.

You are going to need graphics designing software to enhance the appearance of the lead magnet that you’re offering.
They say that first impressions last, never has this saying been more appropriate.


Another way to stand out from the competition is to hire a professional to do it for you.
you can get a freelancer to do this for you at a very nominal cost.

Fiverr Logo

4. Create A Landing Page

4. Create A Landing Page

In this section, we are going to focus on the creation and layout of your lead page.
This is the page which has the main purpose of acquiring leads for your business in the form of a name and email address.
It will be collected via an opt-in form appearing on the page.

Having a lead page for your business will massively increase sales, and convert prospects into customers much better than a conventional blog or website.
Although a blog is great and very informative, it is not as effective in generating sales and revenue as a lead page.
This is mainly due to the multiple distractions and options that are available to visitors, like menus, articles and links.

Focus your efforts therefore on creating an effective landing page that converts.

To get started with your first page, open a pre-built page template in the Landing Page Builder which you have chosen to use.
Start by modifying a pre-built page of your choice by changing selected text and images to suit your specific needs.

When creating the page,designing your page, try to guide visitors to take the specific action that you desire from them.
Structure it in a way that generates interest with a powerful headline that then leads to an initial commitment.
This is achieved by offering something of value in exchange for an email address.

landing page

Your lead page should be simple and direct with a clear message to opt-in.
Give them only two options.

  1. Accept what you are offering
  2. Leave the page.

This is going to seem harsh and will discourage many from leaving their details.
It is nevertheless important, as it also serves as a filter and increases the quality of the lead that you are capturing.
Those who do in fact leave their details can be considered to have a genuine interest in your offer.

When you make it easy and simple for your visitors to understand what action is required of them to progress, then remarkable things begin to happen in reaching your objective.

Try this for yourself with split testing, you’ll be pleasantly surprised with the results.

Having the fanciest landing page is not the answer to more sales it’s rather the overall message that you are trying to send that will determine if your visitors proceed to accept what you’re offering or not.
Even if you do have lots of information to share, the landing page is not the place to put it.
Saying too much just complicates matters and will rather prevent visitors from moving forward

5. Create Landing Page Headline

Next, we need to create a headline for our landing page.
This is arguably the single most important section of your page, as it will determine what action people will take.
You only have a few seconds to draw attention, and make an impact.

Remember, most people will only read the headline.
If you want your content to be read, start with an awesome headline.
Great headlines will invite and encourage further reading.

Poor headlines however, are ignored, and will do an injustice to even the greatest offer.
Should you however write an awesome headline, with a poor offer, it is guaranteed to perform much better.

So, no matter how great an offer,  might be, if the headline is poorly written then it simply will not work as well.

How To Write A Good Headline

Writing great headlines is an art, but this is something that can be learnt.
There is a definite structure and format to writing effective headlines that grab attention.
All good copywriters know this and use it to gain an advantage.
Lead Page Headline
Lead Page Headline

Remember, people all over the world are looking for help, and do so by searching online for answers to their problems.
Take advantage of this, by highlighting their problem and offering possible solutions in your headline.

  • Use power words and phrases to highlight a specif problem and draw attention to the solution that you provide.
  • Using How & Why do stand out as they bring about an air mystery.
  • Try adding numbers to your headline. Odd numbers work best as they seem more authentic.
  • 33 Ways To… looks more believable than – 30 Ways To…
  • How to…
  • Learn how You Can…
  • This Little Known Secret…
  • 5 Amazing Ways To…
  • 7 Easy Steps You Can Take…
  •  Why Doing This 1 Thing…
  • Avoid These 3 Critical Mistakes…
  • 4 Reasons You Should Never…

Here are some examples of how you can structure your headline for maximum effectiveness.

How To… Start A Business At Home With Less Than $500 – There are countless online searches on ‘How To” do things, so providing answers to the ‘How To’ question in your headline is a sure way to get a response.

7 Sneaky Ways… To Get Men To Chase After You – Adding a number to certain words (5 Ways… Reasons… Strategies… Things) to your headline builds enormous interest and curiosity , leaving people wandering how they will benefit.

Learn The Strategy… This Novice Trader Used To Turn $200 Into $27 482 In 3 Short Weeks – This builds lots of curiosity as people are always willing to learn how others have achieved success or overcome obstacles.


Ask a question about something niche related is a very simple  way to get attention to your headline.

Struggling To Sleep At Night – So simple and direct, this headline is very effective, as it will resonate
with people who identify with this problem. They will automatically
assume that you’re offering a solution, this leads further interaction.

Do You Suffer From Joint Pain? – This is another example of a headline that asks a question.

One way to improve your skill is by recording every headline that makes you ‘stop t0 read it.
Try to analyze it to see what it is that caused you to pay attention to it and read further.
By doing this, you will quickly find a pattern that you can adopt and use for yourself.


You should continually try to improve headline writing skills, as it will prove to be invaluable in the future and could potentially produce unlimited future income.

One way to improve your skill is by recording every headline that makes you ‘stop to read it.
Try to analyze it to see what it is that caused you to pay attention to it and read further.
By doing this, you will quickly find a pattern that you can adopt and use for yourself.

6. Create A Sign-Up Form:

What Is A Sign-Up Form?
Also known as and opt-in form, this is that unavoidable little window that you find on almost every blog or website asking for your name and email.
Sometimes it is static and other times it just seems to pop up from nowhere.

What Is An Opt-In Form?
This is that little window that you see displayed on most landing pages, blogs and websites

It always asks for a name and email address., sometimes more.

Optin Form
Optin Form
Optin Form

This is the form that is part of a lead page that gives you consent to place the  person who submits it, on to your mailing list.
This will be used in the future to send correspondence via an email Autoresponder to this person.

Your form should be designed in a way that is simple and direct with a maximum of two fields..

    1. Name
    2. Email

Adding any additional fields to the form, like an address, contact number, country etc. does much more harm than good, and only prevents further interaction.

People are generally very reluctant to to give away only their name, let alone disclosing other personal information.
So don’t make it more difficult. They don’t know you… So why would they want to give you all their details?
So avoid this mistake, as it just creates more barriers to entry, and a very good reason not to fill out the form.

Create a good color contrast of light and dark colors that is clearly visible on the page.

This is the form that is part of a lead page that gives you consent to place the  person who submits it, on to your mailing list.

This will be used in the future to send marketing and related correspondence via an email Autoresponder to this person.

Your form should be designed in a way that is simple and direct with a maximum of two fields..

    1. Name
    2. Email

Adding any additional fields only prevents further interaction.

Optin Form

So avoid this mistake, as it just creates more barriers to entry, and a very good reason not to fill out the form.

Create a good color contrast of light and dark colors that is clearly visible on the page.

The Opt-in form is one of the most vital parts of your page, as it is the gateway to collecting a name and email address.
This process is ultimately responsible for building an email list which can be seen as the life blood of a business.

With this registration form, you are able to build a genuine asset, which becomes extremely valuable as people continually sign up to your email list.
Your only duty then is to continue nurturing and building trust with list members, in return, many will become lifetime customers who spend hundreds or even thousands of dollars doing business with you.

This is not a lesson about building an email list, but you do need to know that having one customer that buys from you repeatedly is far more lucrative than spending a fortune trying to make a quick sale
The trust that you build up with your list will ultimately lead to many recurring sales.

7. Create A Call To Action

The ‘Call To Action’ is another vital little piece of the jigsaw which gets very little attention.
Without this CTA, it becomes very difficult to proceed to that critical next step.
This is normally displayed as a ‘Button’ or ‘Link Text’ and should be instantly visible.

Make sure that your call to action (button) is big and bold, and also clearly defines the action that you want people to take.
Should the text be too long, then place it above or before a button to remind people about the action they’re taking.
For example: a ‘Click Here To Gain Access Now’ button is much more effective than one that only displays ‘Click Here’.

The ‘Call To Action’ text on your button must clearly convey the desired action, using as few words as possible.
Should this text be too long for the button, then place your CTA text above or just before the button as seen below.

The ‘Call To Action’ is the final little piece of a process that prompts someone to take that critical next step.
It is normally displayed as a ‘Button’ or ‘Link Text’ and should be instantly visible.

Make sure that your call to action (button) is big and bold, and also clearly defines the action that you want people to take.
Should the text be too long, then place it above or before a button to remind people about the action they’re taking.
For example: a ‘Click Here To Gain Access Now’ button is much more effective than one that only displays ‘Click Here’.

Click Here To Get Instant Access To Your 30 Day Trial

Click Here Button

Try to make the ‘Call To Action’ button text more descriptive of the desired action, using 3 – 5 words or more if space allows.
For example; ‘Free Trial – can be changed to ‘Start Free Trial Now’

Here are some more examples

  • Download – Download It Here
  • Join – Join Now For Free
  • Click Here – Click Here For Access

  • Get Started – Get Started Today
  • Call – Call For Free Quote
  • Watch – Watch Video Now
  • Download – Download It Here
  • Join – Join Now For Free
  • Click Here – Click Here For Access
  • Get Started – Get Started Today
  • Call – Call For Free Quote
  • Watch – Watch Video Now
  • A ‘call to action’ should always be visible above the ‘fold’, this converts better.
  • Choose a button color that is in contrast to the rest of the colors on a page.
  • Red, Orange & Green are said to work well, but only if it stands out from the rest.
  • These color variations need to be tested for your own niche and audience, as men and women react differently to color.

8. Above The Fold:

This is a term stolen from the newspaper publishing industry to describe the front section of a newspaper that is visible when folded in half.

This is the most important part of the publication which immediately impacts on whether or not a person will continue reading.

A landing page is no different, with the most vital information displayed before you begin to  scroll.

This is a term stolen from the newspaper publishing industry to describe the front section of a newspaper that is visible when folded in half.

Similarly, above the fold on a landing page describes the most important section that is immediately visible when landing on it.

This instantly  impacts on whether or not a person is likely to want to read or scroll further.

above the fold
Above The Fold
  • The headline at the top should be phrased in such a way that it baits the reader to want to read more.
  • It should speak to them directly, addressing an issue that they can identify with, while at the same time offering a possible solution to this problem.
  • A clear call to action or a definite course of action to take will allow for quick decisions of whether or not to accept.
  • If you have testimonials, features, or additional information that you want to be displayed this can be placed further down on the page.

The moment you need to scroll to find something you have already lost a large percentage of visitors.
Not everyone scrolls, so it is best practice to place the most important information about the action you desire above the fold

Although the message that is created above the fold offers significant importance, your attention should be focussed more on the headline and your offer.
If these are strong, and grab peoples attention, then they will scroll down anyway to see what things are all about.
I am not sure about you, but I definitely scroll if something appeals to me.

9. Make Your Lead Page Simple

The following is a great example of a simple landing page with a clear message.
It will no doubt out perform many other better looking and more fancy pages in generating leads.

It highlights a specific problem someone is likely to have, while at the same time offering some kind of solutions with clear call to action button.

optin page

The above is a great example of a lead page that can be called ‘simple’.

    • Free of any complications, it sends one clear message.
    • If you have got an issue, then I can help you.
    • If you want my help, then fill out the form.

What can be more simple?

When you make it easy and simple for visitors to understand and then guide them in a clear way, what action to take to move forward, then great progress can be made in reaching your objective.

Having a fancy landing page is not necessarily the answer to more leads or sales, but rather the overall message that you are trying to send.
This message, together with clear instructions will determine if  visitors proceed to accept what you’re offering or not.

Even if you do have lots of information to share, the landing page is not the place to put it.
Saying too much just complicates matters and will rather prevent visitors from moving forward

Try this for yourself with split testing, you’ll be pleasantly surprised with the results.

10. Use Bullet Points:

It is not always possible to convey your entire message into the headline.
When this occurs, it is perfectly acceptable to highlight additional information in a bulleted or numbered list on your page.
This info needs to add value and benefit to what you are offering.

  • Make it easy for the reader to easily absorb and digest the information by keeping sentences short.
  • Even though simplicity works extremely well you might want to consider using bullet points, and larger than normal text to address or highlight certain selling points or possible objections.
  • Describe the benefits and how these will impact or help solve the problem.

The Following Are Some Brilliant Examples Of The Power Of Using Bullet Points Within Your Page.

Lead Page - Bullet Points
Lead Page With Bullet Points

11. Remove Landing Page Distractions:

To achieve the main objective of your landing page, all unnecessary items like a  header and footer navigation menu should be removed.
These distractions are likely to confuse and divide the attention of your visitor.

We don’t want to do that, our aim is to convert them into paying and loyal customers who absolutely love what we have to offer.
When trying to get leads there should only be two options available on your page.
1. Accept The Offer
Leave The Page
This approach might seem unattractive and too direct but it simply works.
There is a much better chance of them agreeing to sign up to your list compared to a page where there are choices like a related article for example.

These examples below demonstrate this perfectly

12. Create A Mobile Friendly Landing Page:

More than half of all online searches are conducted using mobile phones, and this figure just keeps on rising.
This is an incredible statistic, considering that not too long ago desktops completely dominated the market.

It is puzzling then why people still focus completely on desktop optimization.
You can gain an enormous advantage here by just making a few tweaks to your desktop version which will pay off handsomely as google will give your site preference in the search results.

  1. Place the headline, opt-in form, and button above the fold if this is possible.
  2. Use Bulleted list and short phrases instead of sentences – people scroll quickly on mobile so you need to quickly grab their attention.
  3. Resize the headline font to fit inside the screen parameters.
  4. Make it easy for visitors to read your text, even if you need to increase the font size.
  5. Make site navigation easy by making it easy for your visitor to move around and perform the desired tasks.
  6. Remove or hide long paragraphs on a mobile device, people don’t like reading on mobile and are likely to leave in a hurry if too much boring text is displayed.
  7. Place, less important information lower down.
  8. Use a responsive theme or template that adjusts to the screen size of the device being used.
  9. Optimize it to load quickly.
  10. Reduce menu size to a burger menu and remove unnecessary menu items

Create An Exit Pop-Up

Use an Exit Pop- up as a strategy to get more leads, sales, and subscribers.
People will inevitably leave your page, and in most instances, you will never hear from them ever again.
If you want any chance at all to salvage a lead or a sale then an exit intent pop-up is the solution.

What Is An Exit Pop-Up

An Exit Pop-Up is that window that displays immediately, just when you attempt to exit a page.
It displays a message that tries to convince you not to leave by offering you some kind of incentive to stay on a page.

In the case of lead generation you’ll be incentivized with some kind of offer trying to convince you to sing-up.
Also commonly displayed in shopping carts offering an incentive to purchase, usually with a big discount.
Whatever way you look at it, it’s a brilliant way to convert an existing page vistor to buyer.

One thing is certain, you are guaranteed to get a better desired result using a pop-up compared to not using one.
This final attempt and urgency to salvage a lost cause will pay off handsomely.
People also feel kind of special when they see that you are serious to do business and therefore react positevely.

Exit Pop Up

The Exit Pop-Up is quite annoying to many people but is proven to help convert abandoning visitors into paying and loyal customers.
These would otherwise have been lost forever.

So it’s an absolute no-brainer to use an exit intent pop up on your pages, this will maximize the time and effort that goes into your pages.
It really is the perfect way to ultimately turn existing traffic to your page into paying customers and overall business growth.

More Examples

exit intent pop up window

The one drawback with a pop-up blocker is that it ideally suited to be used on desktop and laptop computers due to sensitivity to the mouse cursor.

13. Landing Page Split Testing:

Split Testing of your lead pages are going to be crucial to your reaching your objectives.
Don’t make the mistake of assuming that your landing page is the finished product, rather continue testing different versions of your page against each other to see which performs better.

It should never be about your personal feeling of how great the page looks, but instead of how effective it is.
This, I personally had to find out the hard way.



Another reason for testing is that every niche is different and even if a landing page works well in a certain niche, this does not necessarily mean that copying it for another niche or product will produce a similar result, hence the need for continuous testing.

 The results of testing all the time will pleasantly surprise you. What you think would work well, is not necessarily what your visitors will respond to.

This should be a continual process till you find a winner and not just a single landing page which you hope or think will perform well.
Never stop tweaking and testing… you might just be one page away from an absolute winner.

How To Split Test Your Lead Pages

  • Start creating your lead page using a pre-built template, provided by your landing page builder software company.
  • Once complete, duplicate the page then change the headline and test them against each other. Multiple headlines can be tested this way.
  • Find the page with the best performing headline, and use this page for your future campaigns.
  • Duplicate this high performing page then proceed to change the lead magnet image of this page.
  • Similarly, test different versions against each other, finding the best performing one.
  • Do the same with the optin form as you systematically do one portion of your page at a time.
  • Next, is the button color as well as the button text and size. (Bigger is better)
  • The page color scheme and background is very important too, and should also continually be tested.
  • Do this until you have a page that is a winner.


Just to summarise the process for making a winning landing page.

  1. Page Builder – Before you proceed, you need to choose a page builder.
  2. Create A Lead Magnet – This should be done and is vital to your success.
  3. E-Cover – Create a nice looking cover for your gift, this increases interaction.
  4. Landing Page Template – Start building your page using page template from your page builder software.
  5. Headline – Your headline needs to captivate an audience.
  6.  Optin-Form – Make your form stand out from the rest of the page – Maximum of 2 fields for name and email only.
  7. Call To Action – This should be big with a contrasting color and is clearly visible.
  8. Above The Fold – Keep the most important stuff visible.
  9. Simplicity – A simple page works best.
  10. Bullet Points – These are useful if you need to give additional information.
  11. Remove Distractions – Navigation menu’s and links to other articles will impact negatively on your goal – remove them.
  12. Mobile Friendly – More than half of all searches are done online are via mobile – Optimize to be mobile friendly.
  13. Split Testing – Keep on testing your page as well as elements on your page to get.